Appliances Bonus 2021
Home Appliances Bonus 2021: what it is and how it works
The Appliances Bonus offers the same tax deduction as the Furniture Bonus (50%) for those who are carrying out maintenance or renovation of their property.
That’s right: by purchasing an appliance in energy class A + or higher, you can recover half of the expense!
The concession has been extended for purchases made during 2021 and can only be requested by those who have carried out a building renovation no earlier than January 1, 2020, or during the current year.
The deduction will be divided into 10 annual installments on a total expense of up to € 16,000. This is an important novelty compared to 2020: with the 2021 Budget Law, the spending ceiling was raised (up to 2020 the maximum amount was € 10,000). In the event that you want to carry out renovations on several properties, you will be entitled to the bonus several times: the maximum of € 16,000 refers to a single real estate unit.
The Bonus is valid for those who purchase household appliances with an energy class of not less than A +, while for ovens the limit is A. The appliances must be strictly new and are included in the list:
- refrigerators
- washing machines
- dryers
- dishwasher
- ovens
- cooking and air conditioning appliances.
There is also the need to communicate to ENEAthe expenses incurred to gain access to the bonus. The data of the expenses incurred must be sent within 90 days of the completion of the renovation works.
The deduction can be requested by indicating the expenses incurred in the tax return and the only one who can benefit from it will be the one who incurred the expenses for the work carried out in the house.